Monday, February 9, 2015

Make the most out of your Mondays.

A happy Monday morning to you all! 

After having a lot of time to think and absorb a load of new inspiration, from blogs (especially ALO), Instagram, Pinterest and books - I think I am now heading back on track and ready to embark on a new blogging adventure.

 As everyone is aware of, Mondays are the day that is back in a flash and take no hurry moving into the rest of the week - so today I will be sharing some of my favourite habits that I like to kick start the week with! 

Be productive. It always seems to be that my mind knows what it has to concur, but my body will tell it otherwise. I would say that my procrastination levels can be considerably high if I do not snap out of my daydreaming and actually start doing something. I am constantly thinking and dreaming of my goals - however I can become incredibly lazy and not push myself into actually doing them. By setting a reasonable amount of tasks to achieve on a Monday, it will hopefully set you up for the rest of the week of staying productive. Of course it is ok to have breaks and watch some television, but you have come straight back to your work and getting the jobs ticked off. 

Set some weekly goals. I love to set goals, as this means writing a list. Making short and long term goals allows me to stay somewhat focused for the day/week ahead. Every Sunday night I love to have a notebook and pen armed and sit down right before I hit the hay and plan out my days and week. I find this  A) comforting B) fabulous for the eyes as you are not staring into a bright electronic device right before bed and C) you get to write a list! I love the feeling of waking up and knowing a near enough plan of what my week will be like and how much I want to achieve. Of course plan out your major todo list points and crucial tasks that require a lot of attention, and then weave in and out the remainder of your odd jobs, breakfast dates, supermarket runs and baking sessions. 

Wake early. I know this one is a tough one for many people, but it does wonders. I love to wake early (as often as I can - of course sleep in on the weekend) and try to concur as much as I can in the first few hours of the day - to be honest this is when I function best (although my YouTube subscriptions can catch me out at times!) If you can complete everything on your to-do list for the day by around 3pm you have the entire afternoon to binge watch television shows, go shopping, bake or treat yourself with an afternoon coffee, the list is endless. 

Be active. Of course it does not have to be a 10 kilometre run or an extreme bootcamp - go for a morning walk to soak in the fresh air, this will certainly make you feel awake by the end of it. Alternatively have a go at a mini cardio circuit - there are plenty of videos to choose from online or if you are defiantly not feeling it at all, a simple yoga routine will definitely clear your mind for the rest of the day.

Eat well. Fresh food and drinks are the best choice for a Monday morning after it trailed off on the weekend. Start introducing those fruit and vegetables back into your diet - find some delicious whole food recipes and feel energetic throughout Monday to Friday. Have a sweet treat every now and then but only make it a novelty throughout the week!

Create a clear space. More often than not you clean and tidy your bedroom or home and within an hour clutter finds it way back out onto the open spaces. Spend Sunday afternoon tidying and reorganising your work space, bedroom or whole home. By not having random bits and bobs out it will make your mind clear and ready to concur the day/week. 

Use Sundays to stock up the fridge (cook in bulk so that it is all prepared), clean and of course write those lists! 

Just small bursts will make a difference and before you know it - each little task will creep its way into your everyday routine!

What do you love to do on a Monday? 

M x 

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